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Getting The Most Out Of Your Workout During COVID-19 Restrictions

12, Oct 2020 in Education & Resources

With gyms currently closed under the current restrictions, many of us have had to adapt and modify our exercise routines from what we were previously used to doing. For those used to attending a gym and use a vast majority of equipment, some may struggle to think of ways they can stay active without access to even basic hand weights. But the reality is there are so many ways we can go about staying active throughout isolation.

There’s plenty of household items at the tips of your fingers that you can incorporate into your exercise routine. Missing the dumbbells? Try cans or wine bottles from the cupboard. Missing the barbell? Try using a duffel bag filled with books! Missing the squat rack? Challenge yourself through single leg exercises and address any imbalances in the process! The fact is, the use of external weights & machines are just ONE form or resistance at our disposal. Strength (or resistance) training can involve any form of resistance, even your own body weight! You’d be surprised how challenging you can make body weight movements or progressing other exercises with light weight by increasing the complexity & therefore the difficulty of exercises.

If you were someone who previously enjoyed cardiovascular exercise in the gym, good news is there’s still plenty of options without relying on the treadmill, cross trainers or rower! Soak up some vitamin D with a walk, jog or run (or a combination!). If the weather isn’t in your favour there’s options for indoors cardiovascular exercise too! Anything with a high repetition and moderate intensity is due to increase your heart rate, thereby maintaining and improving your aerobic fitness. (Provided it is performed at the right intensity and frequency).  A mixture of body weight exercises including: marches, high knees, air boxing, star jumps, split jacks, quick feet, step ups, mountain climbers are enough to do it! If you’re currently in an area where outdoor exercises are restricted to 1 hour per day, you may be wondering how you can get the most out of this time. This is where warming up and cooling down at home may come in handy. Try performing a variety of stretches for the ankles, knees, hips & back. Aim to take each joint through your full range of motion in a controlled way. To further warm up, you may even incorporate a mixture of the above exercises gradually increasing the intensity and speed from low-moderate. Towards the end of your outdoor exercise, gradually reduce the intensity in the last 5-10 minutes, followed by some static stretches. That is- moving a joint to the point where you feel a stretch & holding the position for 15-30 seconds. This assists the body in returning to a resting state and can also help reduce any associated muscle soreness.

There’s also no reason to say you have to perform flexibility, strength and aerobic fitness in isolation. You may like a variety of exercise types and can choose a few different exercise types and incorporate a mix within one session.

If you’re still not sure where too start, or you are just wanting some variety in your regular routine, get in touch with us about how we can help you by emailing us on exercise@yourbodyhub.com.au

*It’s important that if you have any injuries, medical conditions or other concerns that you consult with your GP and/or Accredited Exercise Physiologist prior to beginning an exercise routine*

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